Sunday, July 04, 2010

Ahh I just remembered this conversation I had with Melvin sometime back.

We head to the nearby gym regularly and for those who gym regularly, you'd know each gym has their preferred radio station or playlist.

Anyway, I was surfing youtube at home when I chanced across a very familiar song. One that I hear EVERYTIME I was on that treadmill.

Melvin was like 'Hey! That's the gym song'

And I figured it was up to me to inform him that 'Dear. That is Britney Spears. Called 3'

His immediate reaction of horror was 'OMG I've been gyming to Britney Spears' =.=

So yes, you may use that as blackmail sometime. Melvin Chong gyms to Britney Spears songs.
Well, Glenn told me that jumping rope is one of the best ways to lose weight. So what the heck, I decided to give it a go.

And.. I can tell why.

After fifteen minutes of LEISURE fooling around with the jump rope, I am sweaty, sticky, and mostly feel like I'm about to die of cardiac failure. It's alot more intense than the treadmill (duh!). But it also means I go '1.. 2.. 3... 25..." then I lie down on the cold floor in exhaustion. So it's been "jump 25 times. rest. Jump 25 times. rest." But I had a stop watch so I DID do fifteen minutes actual minutes of jump rope... though it took me a whole of 45 minutes to complete it.
I don't see how people can do 15 minutes nonstop.

Meh. If I stick to this, I'll work my way. Else it's back to the weekly swim/jog.
Other than that, I hit my cardio limit for the week.

Oh crap. It's Sunday. *grumble* Ok, Cardio limit for the next 7 days.