Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I attended a very interesting event over the weekend. It was the 'Lo clan gathering'. Though technically, I wasn't a 'Lo'. Melvin's mom is though, so off we went for a big lunch gathering of over 200 people.

There were 4 generations of the Lo clan present. so you can imagine the handshakes, hellos, hugs etc. Apparently some of Melvin's uncles decided to trace their roots and distant relatives. They managed to dig up photos over 100 years old! The guy they traced it furthest back to was called Generation 1 :P so those alive and attending were called Generation 4 - 7. It's a HUGE undertaking. I really don't know how they did it.

So there were distant relatives travelling from different parts of the world to attend this event. From UK, US, Hong Kong, Malaysia etc etc.

I think it's really fantastic because the younger ones will then know 'ok so THIS is my distant cousin'

It was a full programme. The organising committee did a presentation/slideshow of photos showing the history (as far back as they can) of the family. Where the name came from.. etc.

It was kinda weird for me, I mean, cos I didn't know majority of the people there. But kinda cool.

Also I got to meet Mr Foo. Those from my secondary school would remember him as one of the PE teachers... He's married to Melvin's mom's cousin? I think. Very complicated. Don't remember who's who.

Anyhow, they managed to find 500 'Lo's. Which, imo, is one of the biggest undertakings anyone can do. Cheers to Uncle Anthony and the rest of the organising team!