Saturday, September 28, 2002

lianne was telling me abt this guy who drank this test tube of bacteria to prove that those can cause stomach ulcers.. *faint* well, from what i heard, he did develop them. *mutter* madness.. who on earth would DRINK stomach ulcer causing bacteria?!

Had breakfast with lianne at macs yestermorn.. *grin* mom was sitting right beside us.. *mutter* we yakked on anyway.. *grin* apparently this guy called ramesh is still sore that i won him at pokemon 2 years back. *laugh*
hey ramesh! i'll trash you at pokemon ANYDAY man..
*laugh* he still cant believe he's been beaten by a girl..

lianne went to show ppl our latest pic.. *mutter* they dont believe i'm 19. *mutter* think i'm from sec school or sumthing. lovely. *whine*

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