Tuesday, September 17, 2002

sometimes i wonder.. do the little things in everyday life matter?.. do the little promises matter?.. like if you told your pal u would settle some stuff for her and assured that it was no problem and u could handle.But close to the deadline, u realize you don't have enough time/ resources.. so u call and apologize for not being able to deal. sounds simple doesn't it?.. you've tried ur best, there is nothing else you can do about it. sure, that will be the end for u.. but your friend, who has a deadline to meet will be left stranded coz she thought you could handle. says alot about trustworthiness doesn't it?

then there are the little everyday promises, like, meeting people at say.. ten am. you arrive at 10.30, leaving the other party to wait like some idiot.. or maybe u promised to write mail to that person, but you never did. each time a promise is broken, or each time you don't live up to what you say you would, your credibility decreases. i mean, if u can't live up to the small little stuff you said you would, how can anyone trust you with anything bigger or more important?

*mutter* makes me think of how i've been living my life.. i wonder if i'm like that. such ppl irritate me to the extremes.. maybe that's why i irritate myself half the time. *shrug*

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