Friday, January 31, 2003

love, life & friends-

01 what is the first thing you notice about someone?: hair. height.

02 when's the last time you cried?: 2 days ago. i'm a cry addict i think.

03 what do you want to be when you grow up?: uh.. erm.. rich. does that count?..( i'm speaking at the pt when i'm truely broke mind you)

04 do you sleep with stuffed animals?: *laugh* they usually end up on the floor in the morning.. so i've given up.

05 how far have you gotten?: gotten?.. in what?.. life?. not v far apparently.

06 do you like someone right now?: *cough* yeah. i like all my friends what. *grin*

07 do they know?: definitely.

08 do you have a best friend?: yep.

within the last 24 hours, have you...

01 had a serious talk?: eh.. not within the last YEAR i think..

02 hugged someone?: yes

03 gotten along well with your parents?: *cough* never.

04 fought with a friend?: nope

do you like to...

01 give hugs? yes!

02 give back rubs?: rather receive em

03 take walks in the rain?: not really.. not anymore. but its a nice thing to do when i get depressed.

04 you ever have that falling dream?: often enough *shudder*

05 what is on the walls of your room?: BSB, 911 posters. and some other assorted notes saying what i have to do and when. of course, it's never followed..

06 when you chew gum, what kind?: sigh.. the wonders of gum.. *mutter*

07 do you use chap stick?: not really..

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