Friday, March 21, 2003

i keep on telling myself not to blog about the war btwn US and iraq. coz everyone else is talking about it.. n my comments on it would be mediocre and unoriginal. i dont support it. and a pox on those who do. i mean, sure saddam oughta be spanked for all the bad stuff he did. war atrocities and nuclear weapon developments and what shit ( though i'm sure that's not the REAL reason for the silly little bloodshed they're having - its prolly just the oil.) but the civilians lives are at stake for goodness sake. i wonder when did the US suddenly took extra interest in the role of "the protector of humanity".. their "we are holy enough to eradicate evil" attitude is just a facade. someone should just resurrect socrates and get him to ask the US government to define "holiness" i'm sure they'll all get grey hair trying to define it. ~*refers to "meno" by plato*~ total BS. like do something USEFUL for once, instead of BS-ing all the time. *cough* of course, i forget, thats what most politicians do best.. either that or its the only thing they can do. ok. i'm not talking about this. it gets on my nerves. Its obvious countries like US, Japan, Australia ( no offence lianne) and etc, have idiots for leaders. what, is everyone so "in awe" of the US? *mutter* democracy has obviously gone out the window, along with the common sense of the pro-war leaders.

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