Sunday, May 11, 2003

hmmm. the Animatrix turned out pretty bad. *cough* it was soooo boring that i started squirming in my seat and disturbing Melvin in less than.. 20 minutes into the show. i mean.. it would cause you to have second thoughts about watching Matrix Reloaded. really. it was that bad.

all in all.. yesterday was spent at Orchard.. had lunch at yoshinoya with Melvin, watched Animatrix ( Jeremy was LATE in meeting us), had dinner at yoshinoya *wrinkles nose* again. well.. Jeremy wanted to have yoshi.. *shrug* and i was not feeling particularly picky. for once. *smirk* then while Jeremy went to lose himself in Kino, Melvin and i went to coffee club.. i just love the Iced passion tea *beams* By the time i got back, it was what.. nine.. *blah blah blah* pretty much about it. *shrug* i have nothing to type. so i'm just "prattling".. that's pretty much what i do every night... babble nonsensical, insignificant stuff on the phone..

it's about time i went on a diet.. i'm getting fat.

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