Wednesday, August 13, 2003

urgh.. hate the first week of school. absolutely.. lets see, on monday, i got the location of my chem module wrong, i went to LT 23 when it was supposed to be in LT 26.. *mutter* then today, i woke up early for my ten o'clock stats class, only to find that it started at noon. not ten. *mutter* then my computer decided that it hates me and poof, a blaster worm appeared. i cant print my notes, i cant go online. i cant do anything. which explains why i'm in the CBLC now, miserable as hell. actually, i'm here coz i got the lecture timings wrong. but still.

i have no idea how to get rid of the virus. Eugene tried to help, didnt work. Lianne gave me this url to go to, but i cant stay on long enough to D/L anything. Daniel recommended a patch, same prob, cant stay online long enough before the stupid comp resets. and my printer is out of color ink. tried to print my notes at Mel's place, only to find HIS printer screwing up too. WONDERFUL. i'm behind on my printing, i'm behind on my games. i'm NOT a happy person. *sulk*

at least aerobics start next week.. at least i wont have to worry TOO much abt getting flabby.. lol.. oh and i've got a doctor's appt later.. *mutter* will prolly cost me abt 100 bucks so i'll be freaking broke. you know, i was supposed to go see a doc like, in march.. but after that came the sars scare so i couldnt go to those clinics and stuff?.. yeah. i think parts of me are breaking down, literally. it's starting to hurt internally.. *wince* and i'm only going coz things are starting to hurt and Melvin's nagging at me. at least i found someone to accompany me later.. not melvin of course. *snort* he wouldnt coz i would never ask him and he would never offer. plus he has to remove his stitches today. *shrug* so i figure he's busy. There are too many of you who think i should move on to another guy.. *mutter* but i like this one, in some weird way or other. so lemme keep him even if it means my heart will be broken in the end.

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