Thursday, November 20, 2003

*sniff* well, i was telling jenny abt a very "DUH" conversation i had with melvin yesterday.. she suggested that i blog abt it.. err.. so here goes nothing... wait.. i must give u guys the background first. kay.. last week I was studying with Melvin at this library when a strand of hair fell.. I'm not entirely sure why i did what i did., but i passed him that strand of hair. basically i went "nah!" and gave it to him. And i don't know why, but he just chucked it in his pencil box. alrite. so that was LAST week. now, i can tell u what happened yesterday.

I was at Melvin's place and we were supposed to study. Erm.. we were supposed to start after lunch but we got sleepy. erm. we kinda slept through studying time... anyway i practically kicked Melvin off the bed, so we could get some studying done.
Melvin was seaching for this pen and he couldn't find it, i think.. so he poured everything out from his pencil box. then he pulled this strand of hair from the mess of stationery. and this is how the conversation went :
Melvin: know whose hair this is?
Me: erm.. mine?
Melvin: Where did it come from?
Me: my head? *confused blink*

i mean, which was more stupid?.. the question or the answer. He said my answer was stupid.. i think his question was. i mean, he DID ask me where that hair came from despite me telling him it was mine. i merely answered his silly question. *wrinkles nose* so it's not my fault that the answer sounded silly. what was i supposed to say?.. "the library?" now THAT would be freaky. i'm imagining hairy books.

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