Friday, April 02, 2004

Stolen from Lianne, who stole from Sarah ( i think ):

10 important things in my bag:
1. wallet
2. handphone
3. mascara
4. lip balm
5. Eyeliner
6. a few pictures
7. essential oil.. scent thingy.. dont ask. i use it as backup perfume.
8. eyelash curler!
9. Calculator ( yes i carry it around with me.)
10. a pen

9 things I really want right now:
1. my swollen eye to get well.
2. a spa treat!
3. u get the picture.
4. a make over
5. a manicure
6. good grades for the damn exams ( 11 days more till 1st paper)
7. i want to be able to concentrate on studying. i do! *looks at notes*
8. a new handphone
9. a gazillion million dollars! ( wait a sec. does that fall under cash?)

8 of my favourite foods:
1. chocolate!
2. chips
3. NICE pizza. not the pizza hut ones.
4. medium rare steak and the works.
5. Ice cream...
6. Fruits!
7. Cookies... chocolate chip cookies... like the subway ones.. heh.
8. Subway SAndwiches!! ^5 jen

7 of my closest friends:
1. Lianne
2. Jenny
3. Melvin
4. Eugene
5. Glenn
6. Lucas
7. Yewzhen

6 of my favourite movies:
2. Thumbelina *grins at Lianne*
3. Butterfly effect
4. fifth element
5. Parent trap
6. Natural city

5 things in my room:
1. a bed?...
2. Mirror..
3. a dressing table of sorts
4. pillows? lots and lots of pillows!!
5. erm.. clothes?

4 things I ate/drank today:
1. noodles..
2. Yong tau foo things
3. tea
4. white fungus with red dates.. wasnt fantastic. Its those 7-eleven ones.

3 things I can't live without:
1. music
2. ( this is going to sound sappy.. ) Love
3. True laughter.. those that come along when you feel really happy. else life wont be worth living *prods Lianne* ( chocolates li? )
2 things I usually read:
1. currently, my damn notes
2. fantasy.

1 person I can't forget: ( i wont answer this.. mainly coz i can't and won't forget anyone that has made a difference in my life.. Lianne, Jenny, Melvin, Melvyn, Ruby, Fongky, etc etc etc )

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