Sunday, September 26, 2004

*burps* excuse me *beams* Had a very.. Mmmm.. satisfying day.

Let's see.. I went for a buffet lunch. Had abalone salad, budhha jump over the wall ( which i didnt think was very impressive), the most wonderful steamed carrot cake, spring rolls and all the deep fried stuff, Yam paste, Sesame paste, Ice cream - strawberry, chocolate, cookies and cream, yam, vanilla and one more flavor which i can't recall at the moment ( yes, i had all six of them. ), ginseng chicken soup, sharksfin dumplings ( which i didnt think was fantastic ), all the dim sum stuff, the regular vegs and whatever dishes they have, prawn salad, tofu salad etc etc etc. and yes, that was lunch alone.

OOooo *bounces* I've got tickets for the one night only performance by the Vienna Boys' choir! *bubbles over with excitement* AND i just -may- get tickets to watch "Mama Mia".. ya know, that ABBA musical thing. It looks good. Then again, I may be getting tickets for the comedy directed by Hung. or Heng. Or somebody like that. Adrian Heng. I think. anyway, show's called "Visit of the tai tai".. that one looks good too. so.. maybe.. just maybe.

Right now, it just feels as though I may throw up anytime. Coz i had err... more to eat for dinner. plus strawberries and mooncakes for dessert. *burps* excuse me.

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