Thursday, October 28, 2004

Listening to: Unwell - Matchbox20

Let's see. I have the following due next week.
1) C programming tutorial by wednesday (already half done)
2) C programming lab by wednesday as well ( no idea how/what to do)
3) Animal development report on myoD expression in zebrafish.( half done)
4)Chemistry lab report (by friday)

And what am I doing? Blogging. Pfft. And I have yet to reply Lianne's mail. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow. If I can find the time, that is. Don't even know I can spare the time to watch the concert on the 2nd. *mutters to self*

Today's lab was mildly interesting, maybe because it was gross and morbid. We dealt with drosophila larvae for the first part of lab. We were supposed to stain polytene chromosomes found in the salivary glands of the larvae. So.. the first part, naturally, required us to obtain ( or rather.. FIND ) the salivary glands. Not that easy. I put one of those things under the light microscope, looked at it for 2 seconds, looked up and asked,"Which end is the arse man?" Coz honestly, I couldnt quite tell which end was which. Shuqin ( she was sitting on my right ) said to look for weird short protrusions sticking out. So i took another look, and well, both ends had weird short protrusions. I looked at Shuqin, and she was already poking at her worm. I simply HAD to figure out which end was which. So i asked the tutor ( Leon ), who said," DUH. Look at the direction in which the larvae is moving." Right. Except the larva was happily swimming in circles on my slide. It was clockwise, then anti clockwise. and clockwise again. And I thought perhaps the poor thing didnt know which end was which as well. I managed to figure out which was arse and which was head after a lil while. And it's only because it decided to take a crap. Then I impaled it right in the center with one needle. It squirmed and wriggled around alot, so I stuck another needle near the head. And ripped the worm apart. *evil laugh* It stopped moving after a few sporadic twitches. Then i started to tear it into tiny pieces.. attempting to look for the salivary glands. Couldnt find it. I think it got lost with all the intestines in the way. So? rinse and repeat with a new worm. I got the salivary glands I wanted after the 5th worm.

Then we worked on C elegans. Which are really tiny worms. can't be seen unless under the microscope. Was so worried I'd get some in my hair or something. I mean you can't really SEE a worm that is about 100 to 200 cells big.. What we did was.. transfer some worms on molten agar, wait for the agar to become semi-solid, then dump bleach on them. For some reason or other, bleach induces egg laying. I mean.. Hey, whatever works for them.. *laugh* I didnt get to see the eggs though. The worms I had on my slide refused to lay :( BAH.

Aaanyway... it's time for me to get back to my report. Ta ta!

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