Saturday, February 05, 2005

Listening to : My Confession - Josh Groban

*Moans* I just spent the last 12 hours trying to do a 12 page essay on Child abuse Schemes and Policies. I can't say I've succeeded, but I've made progress.. Got to about the second line of page 11 and my brain just blinked off. And I figured that was the end of my summary ( which was about 1 page long ) I had wanted a longer summary of course.. the aim was to do a 1 and 1/2 page summary but my brain cell couldnt make it. And since it was mid-sentence when my brain blinked off, I couldnt possibly leave it hanging there.. so I deleted that sentence and ended with a "thus, there is much more to be done." so much for a summary.

That summarizes my day. an 11 page.. well.. 10 page and a sentence essay. yes. Page 11 has ONE sentence. "Thus, there is much more to be done". I'm sure the prof will be VERY impressed *snorts*

It is true though. There IS much more to be done. not with regard to the essay topic. but i DO still have tons of stuff to do *sigh* First, i need juice. Second, I need to do my physio readings. and protein. AND study for the F-ing test on Vday. There does my weekend. And Chinese New year. And the NEXT weekend. *cries*

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