Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Listening to: Xing Guang You Le Yuan - Twins

omg, another chinese song.

Am very amused by Alph's nick.
When I took a glance at the Msn Msger window to see who was online, this nick caught my eye.
"Yes I have switched to Men"
I ran my mouse over the nick and thought "Alph? gay? *laugh*"
I opened the chat window to ask him.. only to realize the FULL sentence was "Yes I have switched to Menthol"
Needless to say, I told him abt it and he promptly changed the nick.

I'm never going to talk to the girls in the office anymore. Leaves me more jaded than anything else. Such a materialistic, hypocritical, REALISTIC world, with no place for dreams.

HweeIm said Singapore isn't a place for dreamers. The government promotes arts/culture blah blah. But even if you dream to be some artiste, the reality of life itself makes it almost impossible. "Life goes on, you need to eat. you need a roof over your head. You need to survive. you don't live on dreams. Who knows how long you'd take to be successful? you'll die of starvation before your so-called dream comes true"

I guess, to an extent, it's true. You can't put everything on hold just coz of your "dreams"
She said she wanted to be an air stewardess. Her mom objected, along with the rest of the family, for whatever reason. She couldnt just go "fuck it" and leave.
So now she's stuck with a job she finds no satisfaction doing, and gets by each day, just to survive.

She asked me why I was still in S'pore, when Mel's in Sydney. I told her about passport problems and that.. I couldn't leave everything here and just.. go, ya know. I don't have relevant job exp, I'm not exactly financially stable. In other words, I'm not particularly interested in jumping off a cliff just to see how long it'll take to reach the bottom.

Sad Fact is: you lose touch with your dreams as you plow along. you forget what it is to truely live.

*sigh* I'm gonna avoid talking to the office girls. Ya know, they're not much older than I am.. maybe 5 or 6 years diff.. yet.. I look at them, and .. *sigh* Can someone just kill me now and get it over with? I'm not particularly interested in slow death.

On a happier note..


I still have a job. so i have income.

And that's just about as "happy" the note can get.

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