Friday, October 07, 2005

Listening to: Remember when it rained - Josh Groban

*smiles to self* I've never had someone drag himself out of bed in the middle of the night to get me a drink coz I woke up and complained about being thirsty. I'm going to have a splendid time the next 2 weeks I reckon, now that Melvin's back.

Dear Melvin,
I'm sorry for pillow hogging.

(pity the guy. i had like 3 or 4 and he only had 1)

Aaanyway... I'm gonna crash *yawn* Tiring day at work.. spent the ENTIRE day.. literally 8.30 to 6pm.. doing data entry. Why? coz I made so many mistakes I had to redo the whole lot in the afternoon. *sigh* standard curves.. standard curves. bloody formulae.. *sighs*

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