Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Listening to: Nothing

Well, guess what.. i'm sick again. Had a fever yesterday.. a steady 38.5 deg celsius. And was aching ALL over.. So i pretty much slept the entire day away.

Got better this morning. 37.4 degrees.. so I thought "what the hell.. I'll just head to work" Was half convinced that the fever will clear by the evening.

Then something really extraordinary happened. I went to the loo to pee. Looked in the toilet bowl.. FUCK... it was BRIGHT red. Aaaand... i wasn't having my period. now where did all that blood come from?

plus.. my fever just went back up to 38.0.... Sooo.. I guess it's another trip to the doctor's.. and a whole lotta hospital tests coming my way..
I think its the fever.. but maaaan.. which fever causes you to pee blood..

/sigh expenses.. rising.. again..

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