Friday, February 24, 2006

Listening to: Dirait-On - In Accord

Seems like I only have time to post once a week :p

I simply refuse to comment on the latest NYP "scandal".. it's no big deal. *rolls eyes* not like someone was filmed murdering someone else. Geez. Conservative prudes. every single one of them.

Hmm. what else does that leave me to blog about?

Oh yes. The lil Johari thing. I finally went to do one up. apparently.. 50% think i'm HELPFUL (where the fuck did that come from?) and another 50% think I'm SENTIMENTAL. -_-'
and someone even thought I was dignified. *sniffs* now where did THAT come from..
So for those whom I didnt get to tell on msn, here's where you go:


I asked Veronica (my colleague) if it was worth it. All the late nights up, the working over the weekend.. i mean.. most of the people I know.. stop work after 6pm. but we're kinda "on call" practically 24 hours. KL (the manager) has the tendency to call you on Saturdays.. *wrinkles nose* I don't know. My workload aint as heavy as veronica's.. yet. and I seriously think i'd be leaving if it ever got that bad.. not worth the pay.

I'm considering giving my mother a call. to tell her something very important.

"Mom? I want that 2 thousand bucks in my OCBC bank account to pay off my uni loan."

Think she'll give it to me? NAAAHHH.

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