Thursday, June 14, 2007

Listening to: Some French Radio Station

Erushi brought surprise breakfast today *glee* So nice of her to make sandwiches for both of us. I have to remember to bring breakfast for her tomorrow now. Hm. Can't be a surprise though, cos I'd have to tell her in case both of us bring food.

Been swimming every other day. Nothing intense though. Half an hour in the pool, every other day. I don't feel any fitter, I haven't lost any weight (oh maybe like 0.4 kg - insignificant), but it's a damn lot better than heading straight home after work to sit, once again, at the computer.
As a result, I haven't been playing as much. I reach home at about 9.30pm - 10pm and there's nothing much I can do in an hour before bed anyway.

Speaking of swimming, one guy who was attending some lifesaving class suddenly waved to me as i was walking towards the pool, and said "New Town, right?"

I was, "Err yeaaa" (do i know you?)

He said "Prefect right?"

I blinked "Err yeaaa" (did the school put up my picture or something? Eww don't tell me he saw my yearbook pictures.)

At that point I muttered something about "God, the past has come back to haunt it"

It was only after the swim, after I had some time to gather my wits, that I spoke to him again.

Me: "You were from New Town?"
Guy:"Yea, you were with Xinyi and Tim's group"
Me:"Ahh. They were my seniors..."
Guy:"YEA! You always book me! Never give chance when I come to school late"

(Is that why he remembers me -.-)

On another note, Melvin's prolly in the exam hall right now, having his first exam paper. Goodluck dear.

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