Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wow. It seems like I've neglected my blog to the point whereby it's essentially dead.

I wonder if people even read this anymore.

I'm going to attempt to revive this damn thing simply because I've been emailing Lianne and Jenny the past couple of days and they tried to get me to start a livejournal account.

I tried, I did. Just all my regular usernames are taken and I'm too lazy to try and think up a new one which I'm likely to forget after awhile.

For those who have been keeping in touch with me, you'll know by now that Melvin's back in SG for good. In the past 2 mths, we've fallen into a pretty boring and routine cycle so nothing much to talk about there. But yes, I'm glad he's back. I'm happy to have someone to go home to and I love having him here to keep me warm on cold nights.

I wonder if I've ranted about me being stuck in SG while my friends are happy overseas. Irene is pretty much settled in a small town near Cairns doing her dentistry. Jen's happily married and is well settled in.. Perth (?). Lianne's still gallivanting around, having fun in places like the Amazon. Speaking of which, I need to update the links on my blog too. They've all changed blog addresses. And I need to remove those old pictures. I'm not exactly.. young anymore.

And I probably need to redo my site. YES! I'll redo the entire site!

And while I'm at it, I'll... I'll clean my room, pack my stuff and.. repaint the flat!


Sounds a lil tiring.

I'll prob just update the links and worry about the rest whenever.

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