Monday, December 15, 2008

I'm so tired.

The weekend disappeared on me! 2 Xmas parties on Saturday + Xmas gift shopping on Sunday has left me (and my wallet) drained.

It was westie outing on Saturday afternoon. I think there were 13 westies who turned up in that small cafe (so it's 13 westies and 26 humans).. *Edit - dog names are in italic*

What can I say? Fun, Fun and Fun. Kumo left an everlasting impression on the shop owners by peeing first thing in the cafe. and it wasn't just a 'pee'. It was like.. I don't know.. a 'Peeeeeeeee'. I think some of us were counting "one-a-thousand, two-a-thousand, three-a-thousand, four-a-thousand.. still peeing?! Five-a-thousand... LOL omg stop already! Six-a-thousand.." Alvin, Kumo's owner and our designated cameraman, was like "OMG it's a reservoir!" Truely, it was as if Kumo stored one whole day of pee (or more) for that moment.

That kinda set the tone for the rest of the party. They chased each other all over, played, growled, fought even..
Until someone (i forgot his name) took out a small container of dog cookies. He took ONE cookie out of the container and immediately had the attention of just about all the westies. One man vs 10 over westies. *laugh* The dogs were either seated and looking up hopefully, or jumping up and down. I think Kumo was 'begging' with his front paws. Damn funny.

Then a Caucasian lady walked past the cafe with her 2 HUGE dogs. Boxers, I think. You should have seen the commotion. Thank goodness it was an enclosed cafe.. the westies ran to the glass door, and barked/growled like mad at the 2 boxers. We had to hold the glass doors too, in case the combined weight of the dogs push the doors open.

Beemer and Genie kept fighting, for some reason. Not sure what's up with those 2. Mini is like.. so adorable. She was wearing a Tshirt that said "Need a lot of Hugs". Cooper was dressed in a tux (he won a prize for being best dressed!). Duncan wore a Hawaiian shirt (very beng haha!).
I love Spooky though. Vey well trained. Not sure how Karen managed to keep Spooky in line.

After all that fun, Melvin, Genie and I headed to East Coast for a BBQ with my colleagues. Genie fell asleep in the car on the way there. She was awake when we hit East Coast, but was noticeably more subdued.. which is a good thing because I didn't want her behaving like an energizer bunny at the BBQ pit.

We stayed awhile.. Genie got quite abit of attention. She also attempted to lick a few faces.
She conked out on the way back. Melvin and I collapsed when we got home as well..

Renee told me at the BBQ that the pay is in.. so HAHA went shopping on Sunday. Birthday pressie for Glenn, Osim products for the relatives... more doggie stuff for Genie.. That's a couple of hundred bucks gone

I hear my wallet pleading for mercy

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