Tuesday, March 03, 2009

It's been really annoying/exasperating the past few days.

Work's been absolutely crazy with so many new projects and with them, come scary deadlines.

Things ain't so hot at home either.

I came home today, really tired. And opened the bathroom door to let Genie roam the house. Then I came and sat at the computer to reply some work email. After about 20 minutes, I went to check on Genie and much to my horror, that girl was chewing/swallowing bits on broken glass on the floor.

Now I know SHE didn't break anything because I didn't hear anything break. And after closer inspection, the glass bits were everywhere. The kitchen, the dining... while I was walking around, I promptly stepped on one that nicked my toe. God knows HOW many pieces of glass my babygirl has swallowed. If she dies of internal bleeding or something, there will be hell to pay. I have a feeling I know WHO is responsible. There is only ONE such inconsiderate MAN in the house and it's not Melvin.

You take note Melvin. If anything happens to my dog, I won't give face.

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