Thursday, April 16, 2009

Well, I finally bought it. An item that costs more than what I spend on 2 - 3 tops, for Genie to pee on.

On the bright side, she's using it just fine. Meaning to say, she pee-ed in it this morning without creating a mess.

Some friends and acquintances I spoke to were quite appalled at the cost of 'a tray' (Yes, you too, Li :P)But hey, between having to clean the kitchen floor twice a day and spending an extorbitant amount of money on a piece of plastic so you wouldn't need to do it again... which would you choose?

The problem with our old setup: It's a SERVING tray with newspapers on it. When she pees, she puts her front paws on it, her hind legs are sticking out and she pees on the floor anyway. Then the pee flows in between the tiles and whoever discovers it gets the jolly task of cleaning half the kitchen. Considering she pees 2 - 3 times a day, the extra work is really getting to me.

And when she DOESN'T miss the thing, the pee puddles below her and and flows to her hind legs. then we need to wash her legs.

The new pee tray is an actual pee tray for doggies. It's 3cm high so she'll actually have to 'hop on' the thing, so to speak. So she can actually tell if she's on or off the tray. The old setup is flat. She looks in front of her and thinks "oh i'm on the tray", then turns around and go "oops" then she hides under a chair cos she knows we're going to scold her.

There's a grill-type thing on top of the new one - so when she pees, it goes thru the grill, onto the papers/pee pad below. No mess, no dirty paws..

The price of the Big Yogi Pee Tray at Pet Lovers' Centre was 95bucks (?) approximately. I got it from an online shop for $75.

So it's definitely worth it.

It just occured to me that I spent an entire post talking about a dog pee tray and justifying why I spent so much on it. Next thing you know, I'd be talking about diapers.

I hate growing old.

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