Monday, May 25, 2009

I realise it's time for my weekly post, but I simply don't have anything to post about. The entire weekend was spent playing Sims 2 at home.

You know, a couple of months back, I was really looking forward to Sims 3 (TS3). I even wrote it down on my calendar and all.

Needless to say, I've changed my mind since then.

And thanks to Lianne's email a few days back, I now am mighty sure I won't be getting TS3..
I've had this nagging question on 'if you play this guy and the whole neighbourhood ages, doesn't that mean you are forced to play legacy style?'

Currently, the characters age by 'house' or 'plot'. If you play one family, another family in another plot of land/house stays the same age.. means I can play one family, get them to have 3 kids, let the kids grow into teenagers, then move on to the next family, repeat. then all the children get to head to uni together and all.

But TS3 removes those barriers..

And I hate not being able to control my sims ALL THE TIME.
It's about losing abit of control - and.. nah. not for me.

I mean, what if some sims character dies while I'm playing another family? This will not do.

@Lianne - One of my sims got a 'cheat death' wish from the magic lamp. Does this mean she'll NEVER die? Cos it's been 2 generations now and it's getting pretty freaky. The old lady just refuses to die. On the other hand, I've been trying to get her to be a witch so I guess it kinda works out - now if only those damn witches will spawn on the community lots.

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