Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's midweek and I'm exhausted.

And feeling very poor. Which is bad considering payday was... yesterday.

I blame it on the house hunting.

Not that we're seriously getting a house like Now, right now, today, tomorrow, next month.
But it's good to get a feel of things, you know?

Here's the scenerio:

A 4A (or 4A1)-Room flat near his parent's place cost $320 - $350k. Lets assume 350k.
We'd be eligible for a 40k grant for living near his parents.
So 310k left.
With a combined monthly income of $5500 (assuming Melvin earns like 3k or something), our max loan is capped at 250k or 260k.. with us paying back $1100 every month for the next thirty years.
Either way.. 350k - 40k - 250k = 60k.

Now where do we find 60k? I know. Buy Toto and hope.

Geez. How do people afford their own houses, I'll never know.

You're going to have to bear with me. This house topic will crop up from time to time because I take a look at the HDB website every few months to keep an eye on cost and hope for additional grants.

On another note, I can't wait for this weekend. Will show pictures if we take any (or if I manage to sneak a picture of Melvin on the message table butt naked)

Then again. you wouldn't want to see those pictures, right? I don't want to be responsible for your bleeding eyes.

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