Monday, January 25, 2010

It's gotten to the point whereby I'd give any excuse to not head into the office.

Definitely time to leave.

On another note, I've been on FB regularly lately.. mostly because of the games ^^ For some reason, I enjoy stupid time wasting games like Cafe World. Or at least, that's the version I click around in when I have no access to my own desktop (I have Restaurant Empire 2 installed). I'm beginning to think this game thing is getting out of hand. No, I don't sacrifice face to face human contact because of games. I'm probably mildly addicted to games, but not to the point whereby I cut off all contact from the world, that sorta thing.

It's just.. I have sooo many games installed, sometimes I can't decide which one I want to play.
I have weird clicky ones that let you search for hidden items.. I have sims3... I have, as mentioned, Restaurant Empire 2... EverQuest 2... Eve... Titanquest... Gourmania (I love this one)... and of course, Frozen throne. Dota once in awhile is fun.

And those are the 'main' games. I also have a small corner of what.. 10 games.. i've installed but haven't tried. And those are likely to remain unplayed until I 'feel like it'..

Umm yeah. Like I said, I think this game thing is getting out of hand.

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