Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have been sick. I am still sick.

This bloody flu has been bugging me for more than a week now and it refuses to go away! It started with a high fever (38.5 degrees) the Sunday before last... and well, I've been coughing, sneezing, blowing my nose and spitting out weird gunk ever since. The meds doesn't seem to help.

So much for the first week of my break.

On the bright side, I've just been playing Pharoah/Cleopatra at home and generally bumming around. I like lolling around the house doing nothing.

In fact, there isn't much incentive to leave the house.

Which... isn't all that great.

Need to remember to ask Lexin and Karen out for dinner. It's long overdue.
And Melvin and I owe Lexin and Benjamin a meal. that's long overdue too.

But meanwhile, I shall stay at home coughing and wheezing away and trying not to talk at all because I sound like a man. I wish I could say 'I have a sexy voice now'. But alas, all I do, is sound like a nasal man.

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