Thursday, May 08, 2014

8 Follicles

I went for an ultrasound today to see how many follicles I have and apparently I only have 8. Which is not a good number I think. I heard Dr Yu exclaim to the nurses that I had 14 in Jan, and that she doesn't know what's going on there.

I think the number wasn't supposed to drop to 8.

I think this means I can only have 8 eggs for retrieval, max. This doesn't sound good at all... I mean, I've been reading about people retrieving 20 eggs or more and end up only having 5 grown into embryos. Doesn't this mean with my poor 8 eggs, I may have none grown into embryos? *sigh*

They've also put me on gonal F jabs (instead of puregon, I wonder why...)
I can't seem to find any info on the difference between puregon and gonal f, but both are NOT fun. Side effects include headaches (as if the Lupron induced headaches aren't enough), breast tenderness, nausea and other 'fun' things.

So for the next week or so leading up to egg retrieval, I need to have one 10 unit jab of Lupron in the mornings and one 300 unit jab of Gonal F before bed. I'm starting to feel like a human pin cushion.

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