Friday, May 23, 2014

Egg transfer is set!

Egg transfer is going to be on Sunday morning! I don't know whether to be happy about that or not, since I've read the 5 day transfers have a higher live birth rate. It makes sense, really. A blastocyst that has survived 5 days in a petri dish would be more likely to develop into a healthy baby compared to a 3 day blastomere. That and the fact that more than half of the blastomeres stop developing at day 4.

I suppose the embryologist needed to make the tough call. I have 7 mature eggs out of the nine retrieved and only 6 were fertilised. My guess is if they wait to day 5 to transfer, there may be nothing left to transfer... so they're recommending a 3 day transfer.

I'm still kinda hoping that the embryologist will call early Sunday morning to say all my 6 embryos have made it to day 3 so they'll try a day 5 transfer instead. Oh well, one can hope.


It feels odd. I have embryos. I have 6 potential baby creature things.

I hope they make it :(

On another note, I'm still bleeding. It stopped a little in the morning. Then I got bored and started walking around the house, doing work from home, boiling red date longan tea, playing with the dog... then the bleeding started again. After that, I decided I should stay in bed for another few hours.
Still bleeding now, and there's quite abit of swelling at my lower abdominal area. I also have a slight fever. Hope it's not an infection.

How am I supposed to do the transfer on Sunday if I'm feeling all icky now...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Egg retrieval

Was very anxious this morning, prior to the egg retrieval. Plus I was worried that they'll only retrieve 4 to 5 eggs.

They got me to change into this hospital gown and lie down while they stabbed me with a needle on my hand. That was painful :( And I complained about that, I think.

Then Melvin came in with his face covered in a mask and I felt better.

Before he came in, I was just so... scared. Kept thinking that I wanted him there to hold me hand. It was all good after he came in.

They did the usual of asking for my name etc, to make sure they have the right patient, then Dr Yu pumped in like 3 needles. I suppose it's the sedative because I remember her saying that we just need to wait for the meds to reach the brain.

Then it was lights out.

Don't remember anything until I opened my eyes, and everyone was gone. I slept there for another hour or so before the nurse supported me up and brought me to the lounge to rest. Melvin was instructed not to leave me alone at any point because I was still groggy.

The nurses kept saying I looked zombie like. haaa.

They gave me a nice hot cup of milo and my favourite cream crackers while we waited. Apparently they wanted to see if there's any pain.

Was told they harvested 9 eggs from me (yay!) and I'm to wait for a call from the embryologist tomorrow morning to see how many fertilised and when my transfer will be.

Mmm. Was also told to drink alot of 100 plus because I was dehydrated. I think she said 2 litres a day.

Yay, retrieval is finally over. Now I'm going to crawl into bed. Sleepy.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Triggering Tonight

I did an ultrasound this morning and it has been determined that I should trigger tonight, with my egg retrieval on Thursday.

Mrs Lim (the science HOD) commented something about being like a chicken and producing eggs. It made me laugh.

I currently have one follicle in the lead (27mm) but that one is going to be sacrificed for the 4 or 5 at 18mm. Melvin has named that the "overenthusiastic follicle". Alas, that overachiever is going be lost because it'll be overdone by the time we retrieve on Thursday.

So at 9pm tonight, I'll be doing my trigger shot (10 000 units of Pregnyl). That's right 10 000. Sounds like alot, huh? I've also heard that it'll hurt ALOT compared to my Lupron jabs.

Not looking forward to this. Because my lupron jabs hurt enough as it is.

Looks like I'll have to start icing the area at 8.55pm. 

The nurse kept reminding me to inject at 9pm sharp, because ovulation happens around 35 -36 hours after trigger. So we don't want to trigger too early (and all my previous eggs get released before the retrieval) or trigger too late (and get immature eggs)

Here's some info on Pregnyl

Pregnyl® (chorionic gonadotropin for injection USP) is a highly purified pyrogen-free preparation obtained from the urine of pregnant females.( This essentially means you're injecting something that comes from preggo pee)

Adverse Reactions
Headache, irritability, restlessness, depression, fatigue, edema, precocious puberty, gynecomastia, pain at the site of injection ( no kidding?)

I can currently feel my ovaries because things are quite swollen in there. And my back aches.
Here's keeping my finger crossed for more eggs with good quality.

So that is anything goes wrong, we know it's the sperm that caused it.