Wednesday, September 18, 2002

*burp* *grin* excuse me.. just went for SUCH a heavy lunch with my aunt.. my nice yi. Anyhow, i found this girl's matric card in the ladies on monday , and have finally gotten down to emailing her to ask her to claim it from me. i wonder if i should have just turned it to the office. but hell, i dont know WHICH office is in charge. and i'm certainly not going to run from office to office jsut so i can dump her card. at least i'm nice enough not to use her card.. *grin* i didn't think of it really, until someone suggested i used it.

went to the temple today.. not willingly mind you.. grandma and yi dragged me there after lunch. but the trip was.. *smirk* interesting to say the least. like you know.. there's this bit where they shake some container of sticks and ask questions.. kinda like lotto, except its sticks.. yeah. i gave THAT a shot coz i felt weird standing there looking at them shake containers of sticks. so i joined in. *smirk* the erm.. "results" were interesting. claims it was time for me to get married.. *laugh* or something like that. interesting.. kinda.

*screams* the biochem test is on friday!! i dont have a textbk.. the notes consists mostly of freaking pictures.. WHAT on earth am i supposed to study?! *panic* need help.. shall go rob somebody of a textbk. soon.

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