Monday, May 19, 2003

*growl* i was in a relatively good mood until SOME annoying people decide to call me. first there was david. he's a nice guy for most but he managed to get on my nerves by going," why don't you dump your current guy and hang out with me?" yeah right. *snort* i will sooner date pond scum. then comes amy who msged to ask," are you still with that guy?" *growl* what is WRONG with those people? *fumes* are they having a bet on when i will enter singledom again or what? *snarl* i will NOT be single anytime soon thank you all for your concerns. And if i get asked again whether i'm sure i love my guy, i will PERSONALLY skin that curious person alive. *cries* and don't be tempted ck. just don't be tempted to ask.

Oh. i watched "matrix reloaded" yesterday with Melvin, Jeremy and Eugene.. The show was alright.. the fight scenes were a lil too draggy though. and there was this bit where the architect guy was talking to Neo.. and he was going on and on about something i do not understand.. yeah. i was totally like "huh?? what's HE going on about?" yes. then i realised that the particular feeling of confusion and uncomprehension is very familiar. in fact, it's the kind of feeling i get during my lectures and tutorials. *cough* oh well. *glares at phone* i wish amy would leave me alone. i'm just replying her sms-es out of courtesy now. *bristle*

oh.. and i ended up watching Xmen2 twice.. *sigh* watched it a second time with an old friend of mine who needed the company. i must say.. *grin* i didn't mind watching it again. *gush* bobby drake is soo.. *gush* *cough* well.. actually.. nah. he is not that cute. i can think of cuter guys. but hey. No one minds eyecandy *grin*

i cooked lunch today. and dinner. and guess what, it turned out pretty good.. at least, well, it's edible..*cough* don't forget to breathe ppl. *laugh*

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