Sunday, November 02, 2003

It must be the exams that are getting to me.. for some reason.. I just don't feel like doing anything.. Even games don't capture my attention like they used to. I don't even FEEL like playing. And for those who know me, its NOT normal. Then again, I don't feel like studying either. I just want to lie down.. yet i'm afraid of falling asleep.. coz of my nightmares. Coz each time i try to wake up, it is a struggle. because each time i think i've woken up, i'm in another dream. and i struggle.. literally struggle to wake up. and when i finally DO return to reality, I'm so drained by my struggles I fall back into slumber, and the cycle repeats itself. It's scary.. it's scary because in my dreams, I will either have my eyes glued shut and i'll be struggling to open them.. or i'll be trying to move coz i'm stuck in a really uncomfortable position.. the worse.. is not being able to breathe.

i fell asleep while studying today. and i woke up drenched in pesperation. It's been happening each time i sleep. every time, i wake up drained.. i don't want to sleep. i'm afraid of my nightmares. i'm afraid i'll be stuck in one nightmare after another, unable to wake up for real. i'm afraid.

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