Saturday, November 01, 2003

*sigh* I blame this on fongky.. *grins at fong* all her fault. Actually.. what she said in her blog makes sense,.. what are we all working for anyway? For a damn piece of paper. Yet its importance can't be emphasized upon enough. It's my ticket to the working world.. well.. not only MY ticket considering the number of undergrads there are.. anyhow. it's sad ain't it? It's a material world out there and you guys know it. Soon, degrees won't be worth a thing. Even now, look at the unemployment rate of degree holders. It's horrendous! I wonder why the focus is on the umemployment rate of degree holders.. what about the diploma holders? Are they better off so there is no need for the focus? or maybe it's like what Lianne complains about half the time," The government doesn't care about the poly people." beats me. and i'm getting sick of the topic. It scares me.. knowing I'll have to work one day and that I don't have a job guranteed.

I tried to study for chemistry today. It took alot of phone calls and encouragement from people around.. but i managed to polish off 4 chapters. yay! *laugh* Tim promised me a dinner if i pass well enough. Not sure what the "well enough" bit really means.. prolly around a 3.0 average. *grin* well, even if i can't get 3.0, I'll whine for a treat coz i passed. If I fail.. well,.. i can always.. *snicker* whine for consolation ice-cream. *laugh* Poor Tim. He really has NO idea what he's gotten himself into.

and eugene owes me ice-cream too. yay!

bah. I'm waiting for exams to be over.. then maybe I'll go shopping for a swimsuit. Need to burn calories. I'm getting.. well.. *sniff* tubby. or as my stick-boy melvin ( aka dickhead chong) puts it," Choo-bi". *laugh* oh dear. He IS gonna scream at me for putting his nicknames up like that. Well, his camp mates call him dickhead chong. I call him stick-boy, which is a compliment. I could have went with "toothpick-kid"... *cough* nevermind.

*sigh* I end every single day with a headache. Think I shall go.. sleep.. Joel isn't online anyway.. No point waiting for him.. I wish he was online.. he is one of the few people I actually want to talk to online. He has seen me through lots of shit.. ya know. Maybe coz chances of me seeing Joel again is like.. very very low.. so I can just tell him stuff. anything and everything. One thing I can't stand about Joel is that he doesn't seem to have the word "romance" in his vocabulary. But other than that, he's cool :) He's the only guy I know who complains he's fat. but he's cool *sparkle* i wish he was online..

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