Saturday, November 08, 2003

*mutter* it's SO not my day. I woke sneezing. Took that to be a bad sign and went to take flu tablets. So that's the end of my attempts to study can I study when I'm sneezing every three seconds and I'm buried under a mountain of tissues? Then I decided to fix myself a cup of tea. THAT was an adventure in itself. I opened the tin of tea leaves only to find small crawly things from the Insecta family all over my precious leaves.. or was it Insecta class? whatever. anyway, I kinda held onto the tea tin, shocked and for some weird reason, i tried to count the number of tiny critters there. I lost count at 10. At this point I would like to add ( in my defense) that it was early morning and my brain wasn't funtioning at its usual capacity (- though I reckon even if my brain WAS functioning at its full capacity, things will still be the same). It was really really bad timing that a sneeze decided to come and visit. Before my flu-tablet-induced-mind could react, I sneezed and dropped the tin, spilling the leaves and the insects all over the floor. Then the first thought I had was to kill the insects. I looked at the kettle of hot water and went, "kill them!!" so I poured water over the floor. *wince* okay.. That wasn't very smart, I admit. But I WAS panicking. And I figured not all of them would drown so I went hunting for an insect.. erm.. killing thing. What do you call those?.. oh right, Insecticides. I doused the kitchen with insecticide before I was satisfied that, with exception of myself, every single living thing in there was sufficiently dead.

As it is, I'm too sick to clean up *halo suddenly blinks above head* so I'll treat an ice cream to whoever cleans up the mess. Bah. I'm gonna go try to sleep. Hopefully when I wake up, there will a nice steaming cup of tea waiting for me ( NOT made from the insecticide-treated tea leaves though).

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