Monday, March 22, 2004

about time i did this.. up on Lianne's site and Jen's site as well. some.. duo quiz. where you describe both yourself and your dream guy apparently. here it goes..

Me/My Dream Guy

1. Hair color? black / slight highlights are fine... but i dont think i'll want one with a mopful of bleached blond hay that used to be his hair.

2. Eye color? black / No preference.

3. Height? 1.54m. Or 5'1". / gotta be taller than 1.70m for SURE.

4. Six pack? *pokes self* feels too soft. nope. no six pack. / *sparkle* yes please. well.. yeah but it really doesnt matter THAT much.

5. Long/short hair? Long. / short? medium? just not F4 locks. *shudder*

6. Glasses? nope / doesnt matter... i mean..glasses CAN look good sometimes. really depends on what kinda glasses

7. Piercings/Tattoos? on my ears. one piercing each. no more thank you./ *cringe* can he not? pls?
8. Chest hair? EEK! no! / Uh, hopefully, not excessive. A little's fine.
9. Buff or skinny? plumpish ( look i can console myself right?) / lean! i want my guy LEAN!

10. Straight teeth, gap, or braces? straight / straight. or at least if not straight, braces.. so they WILL be straight-er.

11. Punk/jock/emo/sXe/goth?.. where did casual go? / casual pls.

12. Funny or serious? erm.. half and half i suppose / i rather have a guy who knows when to joke and when not to. funny for most though.

13. Party or stay at home? stay at home. / stay at home..

14. Cook or bake? *cough* can't *cough* i'll set the.. kitchenonfire *cough* / Oooo yes pls.

15. Presence of a best friend? *rolls eyes* *points to Lianne and Jenny*/ Naturally.. just not an ex or anything..

16. A lot of opposite sex friends? not really.. i'm not a very.. social person / a few.. not too many.

17. Outgoing or shy? *sparkle* shy? look i CAN be shy mate. just LEAVE it! / shy. *grin* always have a soft spot for the shy ones.

18. Sarcastic or sincere? sincere! have i EVER been sarcastic *halo* / Sincere of course.

19. Watch chick flicks? duh. / he has to! with me!

20. Smoke? no! EEwwwww! / i will NOT have a smoker sit NEXT to me. bloody air polluters.

21. Drink? yes pls./ not too much, he has to drive. *crosses fingers*

22. Cuss? once in awhile.. normally when i physically hurt myself or do something really embarrasing / I don't mind. Just not when it's inappropriate.

23. Pay for dates? i've never paid on a date... / DUH.

24. Kiss on the first date? nope./ Nope

25. Where would you go to dinner? anywhere with aircon, alrite service and nice food / Ditto.

26. Flowers? never given anyone flowers... / a surprise once in awhile will be.. more sufficient. i dont want to hang dried flowers all over my room.

27. Lay under the stars? *gush* yes please! / of course!

28. Write poetry about him/you? errr.. not my kinda thing / will be sweet..

29. Call him/you honey, sweetie, dear or baby? erm.. yeah. i actually stop using his name and call him dear all the time. / ditto

30. About him: Would he hang out with you and your friends? why not.. i mean.. yeah. some at least.

31. About me: Would you hang out with him and his friends? SOME... yeah.

32. Play sports? SPORTS *spits* nope. / doesnt really matter as long as he aint some fat... blimp.

33. Skateboard? i cant... uh balance / Whatever flips his cookie, as long as he doens't make me sit and watch if he does.

34. Snowboard? it looks fun... could be worth a try. / why not..

35. Play guitar? Nope / doesnt matter

36. Play piano? yesh. terribly.. but yes. / doesnt matter

37. Play drums? erm... no. / doesnt matter.

38. Clean your/his room? *cringe* *looks around at mess* / He'd better.

39. Paint, draw, sculpt? nope / doesnt matter

41. Would you/he sing for him/you? why not? / ditto

42. Use the word dude? Sometimes. / Why not?

43. Use the word tight? Hardly. / Does it matter?

44. What kind of car would you/he drive? i cant drive / as long as it moves and it aint TOO shabby...

45. Would you/he put you/his arm around him/you or hold his/your hands? Yeah. / Yeah.

46. Would you/he dance? / doesnt matter.. i mean.. if he wants to learn salsa or something it'll be cool. i'll go with him.

47. How often would you/he see him/you? three times a week or something.. at least. / Same goes.

48. About me: Would you want him to get you jewelry? if its platinum/white gold.. real diamonds.. why not?

49. Stay up and talk all night long? yes / as long as its with me.. and not some other girl

50. Say I love you? not very often.. / everyday baby.

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