Friday, March 12, 2004

*yawn* i -am- terribly exhausted. From what i do not know. i mean, i planned to study one chapter of lsm2202 coz the test is coming up... i ended up just staring at the comp.. with my brain numb beyond belief. As it is, i didnt get any studying done. think i only managed to read ONE page, which is really sad. It's one of those times where I dont feel like doing anything at all.. so its really bad. I can't afford to start feeling like this.. esp not with the exams round the corner.

you know it's relly weird how i keep telling myself that the exams are in a month, yet i can't bring myself to even READ the notes.. JENNY I NEED YOU! when are we headed to subs or the library to study?!

*sigh* and i really have to take note of what we've been doing in lab. the mini project has not exactly been going on smooth. In yesterday's lab, my grp's DNA band refused to show while the other grps have nice bright 800bp bands on the gels *sulk*. AND today, we were supposed to get cDNA from rna (reverse-transcriptase).. and we all thought that the sterile water was "DEPC water", but it was not. and we didnt realise the error UNTIL we transcripted that mRNA and spent an hour incubating it. anyway, we had to redo the whole thing from the start. *growl* and this time, we use DEPC water.. but we had no time to put it in the PCR machine with our first primer... and other benches were already doing their gel electrophoresis.. which is a good hour and half ahead of us *sigh* anyway, we're headed back to the lab next thurs. I really =HOPE= we get at least 2 primers done. *yawn*

really tired now.. if all that i've typed doesnt make sense, just ignore it. i'm not very happy with the miniproj now so whatever i say may not make sense at all.

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