Sunday, March 14, 2004

I spent 60 bucks on my hair yesterday. *cough* for a person who is terribly broke... it's quite an amount to spend on hair. *ponders* well.. technically speaking, I did not spend 60 bucks on my hair. Technically speaking I spent about 35 and the rest was topped up by Melvin ( who else, right?) Well, it's all his fault. HE wanted to get a haircut and insisted that i get one too ( to keep him company, he says).. anyhow, i walked in and my eyes were riveted to the "treatment for 45 bucks" column of price listings. I swear all i wanted was a haircut *cringe* then Melvin was like, " if you want it I could subsidise." So i fell for temptation *sigh* It was quite an experience though. The hair cut turned out really nice. And the big steamer thing that was placed over my head for 15 minutes was.. well. hot. but my hair was shiny and nice and I had great hair for about .... oh... 2 hours maybe. before it started curling all over the place again. But at least the hair is still soft now. So i reckon the treatment still works. The curling is just due to the damn stubborness of my hair. I -like- the hairdresser. Her name's Fiona.. and the hairdressing place is really far off. like bedok central. Not too bad overall ( Jenny: cognitive dissonance? it IS 60 bucks and i've never spent this much on my hair..)

Will be headed down to Dub's later with Jen and Lianne. Was tempted to ask Vynnie along.. it IS his birthday today. Ooooo btw, Happy Birthday Vyn!Anyway, was tempted to ask him, but i dont think he'll be keen in hanging out today. methinks he would rather spend time with... a special someone else *laugh* i'm not saying anything coz i dont know for sure. that guy never tells me about his girlfriends.

I went marketing this morning. *waits for the shock to register with u guys* well, I went not because i'm gonna cook u knoe.. i went to get some stuff in HOPE that someone will cook for me *hint hint* you know who u are. A few problems this morning in the market though. First off, i wasn't really sure what i wanted. Second, it was SO crowded. SO hot. and SO wet. I DID discover things in the market were pretty cheap.. the only problem is converting the raw to something edible. *wrinkles nose* we'll see.. we'll see.

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