Sunday, June 27, 2004

*looks at half eaten cookie* for the first time in my life, i feel like throwing up after having half a cookie. not sure whats wrong.. feel mm.. faint. and nauseated. *runs to bathroom* Definately sick. Or maybe its because I havent really been eating the past few days. I'm sure if I hadnt gone to the library yesterday, and was tempted by a stew on the way home, all i would have eaten was a chocolate bar. Well, at least i'm meeting irene later.. we'll have food for sure.

I'd like to.. extend my thanks to eugene. For offering to help me fix my sound card and stuff. Come over soon! I need to get it fixed.. *sneeze* excuse me. yeah *sniff* come soon.

I took a look at the dance aerobic vid just now. somehow.. it just feels different. being alone in the room, trying to prance in front of the tv and being in class.. trying to follow the instructor. *pause* I think i watched like 5 mins of it before I got annoyed by all the "you can do it!" and hyper "Lift those legs!" *mumble* i tried to follow the first step of walking left and right, felt silly in about, say.. 5 secs.. LOL.. then i sat down and watched it for abit more before rolling my eyes and thinking "god she's a bimbo" and switching it off. SOmething tells me i wasted my cash *mumble* maybe the kickboxing one will be better. I'll watch it another day.. IF however, the instructor turns out to be a guy and HE prances around yelling "lift those legs!", I swear i will fling a chair into the TV screaming bloody murder.

No one's online. Bummer. I think i'll go read or something

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