Thursday, July 08, 2004

Anyone free to catch 'mean girls' over the weekend?... I want to catch the show, but.. well.. i sure ain't going alone..

*pause* i think my brain cell went on strike. coz i cant seem to think. oh wait. i just had a thought.. ( refers to first sentence of paragraph).. oh well.. maybe the brain cell is erm.. hibernating. whatever the case, its not working at full erm.. whats-it-called? potential? erm.. *pause* oh dear.

its cold tonight. for once :) my feet are cold. then again, they're cold most of the time. *pause* oh dear. something tells me i shouldnt be posting tonight.. am i making sense at all?

I saw a roach in the office pantry today. it was dead.. at least thats what the guy told me after i screamed *cringe* loud enough for the whole office to hear. I took a closer look, and i swear i saw its feelers twitch. it was -not- dead. i whimpered, ran out of the pantry and stayed away from that place for the rest of the day. that's enough horror for the day thank you very much.

Mmm OJ.. cold OJ on a cold night. MMmmm... now... i'm missing a warm body i can cuddle.. *looks around* oh bummer *sulk* get your arse here melvin chong.

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