Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Hmm.. see.. after yesterday's apparent success with the bun, I thought I'd give making breakfast another go.. only to find that the buns have disappeared. Some.. some glutton! some glutton had finished off my buns! Well, technically speaking the buns are not mine.. but look.. I don't normally have success in preparing food, ya know. So when i actually DO get something cooked.. or steamed, in this case, i'd like a steady supply of it in my fridge.

Anyway.. today's breakfast: chocolate milk. Lots and lots of chocolate milk. yum ;) i'm on my 2nd mug already. *jumps up and down* maybe i'll have a 3rd!

Jeremy is Sooooooo incredibly sweet! err.. well, maybe not incredibly. but he -is- sweet, kinda *grin* was very well entertained the whole of yesterday (as usual, he was complaining about his waistline). Anyway, Bourne Supremacy was alrite. Some really cool bits in the show.. though I didnt really enjoy the car chases. Was starting to get a headache midway thru the 2nd car chase scene.

Ah crap.. I almost forgot.. i have a tutorial at 11. *mumble* guess I should go get ready for class..

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