Saturday, August 07, 2004

I posted something last night.. *pause* but it was lost.. *wrinkles nose* I had started that post 10 mins before I hit 21 *grin* and Lianne walked in midway thru the blogging to belt out a very loud birthday song ( exactly at midnight too.. *laugh*).. yeah it was kinda weird. I was on her laptop, in her room.. she just ran in.. sang really really loud and fast,.. then ran out of the room. *laugh* nutcase.

Yesterday was Goooooood... *beams happily* Jen, KF, Lianne and I went to K-Box for about 4 hours of karaoke. We had lotsa fun watching that Ice-age introduction.. remember that squirrel thing? *giggles madly* And and, we got to see Dashboard's Vindicated mtv.. and we sang lotsa chinese songs.. OOoo and we managed to find one of the old chinese songs i used to like. This 50-yr old guy called Fei Xiang, who's still damn hot. Watched that mtv.. man, he sure is hot.. esp for an old guy. *mumble* lots of botox, i bet. coz he doesnt look a day past 30...

The biggest surprise was when one of the ktv staff walked in with a cake *beams happily* chocolate cake! So i got to blow candles and Jenny got to sing a birthday into the mike and all. *giggle* well, technically, i only blew ONE candle, coz there was only one candle on the cake. But it was very very.. thoughtful *hugs lianne* thanks very much hun..

Then we all went to Lianne's place. well.. jen and kf went back to get bailey's first. then they popped back at Li's place. Anyway, on the way back, Irene called! *bounce* according to her, even though it wasn't midnight in s'pore, it was about 1am her time *giggle* so IF i were in melbourne, i WOULD be 21.. well.. whatever you sat ~rene.. thanks for remembering anyhow.

Mmmm then at midnight, gerald smsed me a birthday song.. capital letters and exclaimation marks and all *beams*

Made a boo-boo last night tho.. *cringe* gave melvin the wrong number to call. sorry dear *cringe* apparently the poor guy stayed up to wait for me to tell him Lianne's number so he could call.. he kinda gave up at 2am.. coz well.. he couldn't get me. coz i gave him a wrong number and mm.. i didnt hear my phone ring. So sooooo sorrie.. but its all well now, coz he waited for me again tonight (Mmm.. yeah.. it's 1am his time, i believe ). He was half-asleep tho.. *giggle* mumbled some stuff down the phone before his brain shut down.

Woke up early this morning.. and left Lianne's house to come back here for a bath and all.. Then i had to leave immediately after the shower for a session of warcraft 3, lunch and movie ( the village. pffft. giant porcupine.. lousy show. ).. THEN it was straight back to Lianne's place. was there barely 20 mins before we left for the airport. *mumble* busy busy day.. but lovely all in all. except for the fact that Lianne left today.. *sniffs a lil* I was a good girl today. Didnt cry at the airport. *looks all miserable* ah well.. you do what you have to do girl. It's better than staying here anyhow.

Almost midnight now. Took me a long time to complete this post.. oh right.. almost forgot. Yongjia called this afternoon as well.. pleasantly surprised that he remembered ( after all.. I forget HIS birthday every single year.. *ponders* oh.dear. Mmmm... oh dear. when's his birthday again? )

*grins at eugene* 4 ppl beat you to it this year. You weren't the first to send me birthday wishes. *giggle* try again next year hun.. ( he sent me a msg, so damn sure he was the 1st one to send me birthday greetings... LOL.. )

*yawn* had this weird dream about.. a garden.. a big house.. and a fairygod mother.. she asked me to make a wish.. and i did *beam* not telling what it is tho. I kinda forgot about the dream during the course of the day.. remembered it suddenly. heh. *hugs pillow* i'm gonna sleep.. so so tired...

::edit:: Ooo look.. i just realized yesterday's post DID come out after all..::/edit::

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