Monday, August 02, 2004

*wrinkles nose* I cant believe school is starting next week..aarrgh.. I happen to like having my time so free that i can head out any time i like.. *ponders* well, not to the point whereby i have nothing to do. but its.. a nice thought, ya know. *beam*

Had this really drool-able serving of ribeye steak yesterday *sparkle* Courtesy of Eugene. No.. lol.. he didnt cook. We went to holland village.. and had steak. yum *perks up* well, i had steak anyway. was craving for one. Eugene had this.. mm... pizza thing. it was kinda weird, for it was this huge pizza with each quarter having different toppings.. i think one quart was hawaiian ( spelling?), one quart was chicken.. and i cant remember what the other bits were. Nothing much other than that.. we had food, and that was it. Main reason that he was really tired.. and well, i didnt really want to drag him around. *pause* so unlike me to be so considerate *grin*

*hugs patrick* *pause* just felt like it. heh. and patrick? you really should visit Alecara some time. *beam*

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