Monday, January 10, 2005

Listening to: Hole in the head - Sugababes

Well.. lookie.. class starts today *sighs* At noon to be exact.. and of all days, my comp has to screw on me today. My microsoft office suddenly upped and disappeared. Programs that have been in my computer for the past year. Programs that I've just used 2 days ago, decided to disappear. I'm serious.. for I suddenly cant open ANY of my files. my computer tells me I have not installed the program. How can that be when i've used it 2 days ago to draw my timetable?
Like i said.. of ALL days to screw on me....

My microsoft office has abandoned me.

I need the office disc. coz i dont have one ( coz i think someone threw it away quite by accident ) but.. the result is still - i need the damn disc. ANyone? help? i need to print my notes.. soon.

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