Saturday, January 29, 2005

Listening to : Per Te - Josh Groban

Per te, per te, vivrò
L'amore vincerà
Con te, con te avrò
Mille giorni di felicità
Mille notti di serenità
Farò quello che mi chiederai
Andrò sempre dovunque tu andrai
Darò tutto l'amore che ho per te

Dimmi che tu già il futuro lo sai
Dimmi che questo non finirà mai
Senza di te non voglio esistere

I posted something this morning.. lost it though. I'm not going to try and retype what was written. In a totally different mood now.. and it does seem as though it isn't very impt anymore, that what i wrote must be posted.

The past week has been terribly numbing. I can sit here alone.. I can be crying.. I can be laughing.. but it's like.. i don't FEEL it.

I need to find a reason to be happy. I need a reason to live.

( at this pt, Kenneth's words come to mind. Something about being sick of caring.. *sighs*)

Of course to all those I talk to, it would seem like there is nothing wrong.. and well, good for you guys.. I'm sure talking to a walking corpse isnt something you would enjoy. I try to appear happy. I do. Unfortunately when it comes to melvin, I can't seem to act all chirpy so he's on the receiving end of all the shit. you guys should buy him a drink each for being SUCH a brave baby eh? *cries* I need a damn drink. I don't even know WHY I'm feeling the way I do. It's not logical. I don't HAVE anything to be upset about. Yet most of the time, i'm just.. SAD. not happy. numb. empty. why?

YJ and I were out on thurs.. For a few minutes there it was as though we returned to our secondary school days. He snuck kfc's mashed potato thing into the cinema.. i told him i didn't want any, but he bought a huge one anyway ( coz i'd end up changing my mind.. he says )
Yeah.. he kinda held this huge spoonful of nice gooey potato in front of me to tempt me.. and very naturally I leaned forward right?.. yeah except he did that "withdraw the spoon at the last minute" trick.. which got me sulking, so he tried to "baby" me. Then it became something like that:

"come on.."
"no!" *sulk*
"say ahhh..." *spoon zooms in*
"no!" *clamps mouth shut*
"caaaat... it's gonna drop on your shirt!"
*glares and eats*

Like I said.. for a minute there.. it was as if i was 16 again. heh.

*sighs* yeah.

DAmn i need a drink.

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