Saturday, March 19, 2005

Listening to: Love of a lifetime - Honeyz

*gets all agitated* I just made a big boo-boo. You know.. I was supposed to do the editing for the marketing report due next Thursday. *pause* see.. There are 6 ppl in the group and the report was divided into 6 sections so each person wrote one section. And I was supposed to edit grammar and standardize style, font etc. And well, section 5 was SO badly written.. Here.. lemme copy and paste from the section.

This training is needed because the level of practicing by the employees is vary form each other. Thus, it is ensured that every employee will practice it during the working time.

As we know, service quality from a hair salon establishment is majority depending on the individual hairstylist.

This is the most advantage for the customers? satisfaction as they can save their time in running different places.

And this is only from the first 2 paragraphs *rubs temples* And I couldnt edit it because I didnt even know what that person was trying to say.. I told tong dee ( the group leader) that I would highlight the bits I didnt know how to edit in yellow. Currently I'm tempted to hightlight the whole of section 5.

And I stayed up till like 1am to try and edit that section. I was truely irritated with the person who wrote section 5 *grouses* and elaine ( this girl in the grp) happened to be online.. so our conversation was like this

Me: *whines* Elaaaaiinnnee
Elaine: yah?
Me: who the hell wrote section 5? I've nvr seen so many grammatical mistakes in my life! I dont even know what that person is trying to say..
Elaine: er.. I did.
Me: *keeps very quiet at this point in time* you? uh.. hmm.
Elaine: alot of mistakes arh?
Me: Uh. erm. ok lar. just. ah. abit late.. so everything very blur. haha.

*hops around in agitation* That was SO embarassing! I thought she wrote section 3.. and that one didnt have any mistakes at all.. *blush* I should just learn to keep quiet until i'm sure I won't embarrass myself by speaking.

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