Monday, November 27, 2006

Hm. My 3rd day in Sydney.

I arrived here like close to 7am Sydney Time and didn't get any sleep on the plane. Spent the night watching movies and cartoons because it was too cramped and bright to get any sleep (and i hate those eye covers)

Anyhow, came back to mel's place and the both of us collapsed in bed, sleeping till 1ish pm. Apparently, he stayed up to 4am trying to clean his place up so it wouldnt look too much of a mess when I arrive..

Ever been licked to death by a dog? I got my left arm (just abt the entire arm. I was so tired i just sat there and let him lick all he wanted), all toes and fingers licked by the overenthusiastic dog called wowo, who also seems to like to jump on the sofa and sit on people.

ok. er. back to the point.

Went to Eastwood for dim sum and a walk around.. came back.. slept somemore..
and dinner.. hm. come to think of it.. what DID we have for dinner? OH right, we went to this bistro place nearby called the ranch. Great roast of the day for 7 bucks and a lovely lovely hoegaarden to accompany. Andy won 40 bucks from the jackpot room that night..

Yesterday.. well, Bondi Beach. damn windy. damn COLD wind.
Oportos was ok. the place was apparently famous for this chilli burger but I didn't much of it.

Mel's car broke down at Bondi =/ and yesterday, being a sunday, we couldnt find any mechanics and leave the car there. The journey back home using the public transport was.. mm.. interesting. the train system was different from Singapore's MRT system, for one. The seats were actually comfy, for second. and there were (lo and behold!) empty seats!

Pizza and Bacardi breeze for dinner last night while we (mel, andy, preetam and I) played Munchkin. Fantastic. Haven't had such fun in AGES.
Mel dragged his comforter onto the floor (we were all sprawled out on the floor to play) and got so comfy he was falling asleep midgame. I whined - and Andy got me his spare comforter and we shared while playing :)

and i'm in trouble at work. over the open house. checked my work email just now. I'm in a WHOLE lotta shite. Something about my inbility to handle my designers was mentioned by my boss in the email.

Oh I can't be arsed. Screw work.

Mel's making sushi for dinner tonight. Now if only i can wake him up to start on it. He conked off immediately after we came back from Bondi this afternoon (Spent the entire morning there because of the broken down car.. cab ride from home to bondi = 60 bucks. EXPENSIVE) So yes - we got the car back and he's been sleeping since.

Screw work. i'm trying not to think abt it.

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