Monday, December 04, 2006

Have I ever mentioned - 2 guys, a girl and ONE bathroom = chaos in the morning?

Anyhow. we went to the Manly Quarantine Station Ghost Tour last Thursday. Turns out only 3 of us signed up for it that day (Normal grp size about 20ish). Rather creepy. hee! We got to start early though and had the opportunity to get a view of the place before it got dark. We stopped abit to head to the loo (Andy was saying he'd rather go BEFORE it gets dark). The toilets itself were cute - Old fashioned flushing system and all. We spent much of daylight in the not-creepy-at-all first class section of the station.

Things only started to get a lil creepy at the working class section. (Oh and the hospital - THAT was creepy). We were each given a kerosene lantern to light the way, of course. I made the 2 guys carry theirs, and left mine behind - I mean, i need my hands to cling onto someone/anyone when I get scared. in the end, we walked in such a way that I was in the middle (because it was COLD and windy I needed the winds to be blocked).

We looked at the decontamination room, the showers.. very windy night, doors banging and all to enhance the atmosphere.
The showers were creepy because she (the guide) was telling us about the time someone saw something and that something walked right into that someone. or something like that. And she was like "yea., you can explore that corner if you like" It was right down the very long, dark corridor, past like all the shower cubicles and I had to pull Melvin back cos he was heading there (WTF for? It's creepy)

We then headed to the hospital, which was partially under renovation. We entered one of the wards and as i walked past one of the beds, there was this smell of mint. I was like "eh, is andy having sweets? So I ignored it, and listened to the guide tell more stories (It was only at the end of the tour that i found out some other people have noticed a minty smell at that spot, but not everyone like smells it.) so yay. that could possibly be, the only "paranormal" experience for the night.

Next stop was the morgue.. nothing special really.
Supper up next, before we headed home.

Friday.. we went to Starcity on Friday. I even have a membership card. lol. Between Melvin and I, we lost 30 bucks at the Roulette table. Andy won about 50 at blackjack though.

Andy flew back to Hong Kong on Saturday. I'm going to miss his company and his road map reading abilities. Melvin doesn't know the roads very well and I can't read maps so Andy played a v important role in our outings..

Melvin and I each bought a Nintendo DS lite on Saturday and spent the rest of the day playing with our new puppies ( My Shih Tzu is called Pebble.. and pfft. he called his german shepard Lucky =/ no originality at all I tell you.

Sunday was spent at Chinatown, the rocks and a brief brief walk to the Opera House. We were quarreling by then because both our feet ached and it was cold.

We're staying in today because our legs still ache and because I'm all sniffy - may be due to walking in the bloody 16 degree weather yesterday.
It's 19 degrees today.

It's SUMMER YOU SAY? Could have fooled me.

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