Thursday, December 04, 2008

I'm not sure if you noticed, but things on my wishlist are finally starting to get done/fulfilled!

I bought shares for the first time! Aaaannddd - it doesn't look too good :( cos umm, in a span of 2 days, I've already lost $300.

Don't ask. I wasn't expecting it to go down so much again.

It'll go up sooner or later *hopeful* and I'll make money. Hence I added an additional item to my wish list - make money from shares. *bounce*

Melvin's parents are out of town until.. next week so we're left to fend for ourshelves. We're both down with the flu too. I've been flu-ey for a week, while Melvin's been having fever for 3 days already. Despite being sick and miserable, we're enjoying the privacy and relieved at having a few days of escape from his parents' nagging.

Poor Genie has to be locked in the bathroom while we're at work, though. We try to make it up to her by giving her extra walkie time..
Have I mentioned Genie's improving alot?
She used to do things like struggle when we try to brush her fur and clean her teeth. And she would ruuuunnn around the bathroom looking for an escape route when we bath her. She would also lose control of her bladder whenever she gets excited (like when she sees us home from work..)

Now, she doesn't struggle so much when we brush her fur. She gets restless after a few minutes and rolls around, but she doesn't try to bite the brush during the brushing anymore. Not much, anyway.

The teeth cleaning still needs to be worked on - but she's teething, so it's understandable.

She would stand still during bath time mostly - until we wash her face and water gets into her nose. That's when she starts wanting to get away. And yay - she doesn't piddle so much around the house anymore.

Genie was playing with one of her squeak toys a few days back when.. she started bleeding from her mouth. Melvin was so freaked out, he started running around like a headless chicken going "omg blood! Omg heartpain - is she alright? so much blood!" (the entire toy was covered with blood.. there was some on her paws.. side of her face..)

Meanwhile I grabbed her to examine her mouth, thinking to myself "we need to call a cab - get her to the Animal Hospital. What's the number of the hospital? And ffs - will melvin go check the number and call the hospital instead of standing there panicking?"

I managed to check her mouth and turned out there was a gash on her gum. (Note: Melvin was still running around like a headless chicken at that point). The toy was thrown away and we babied her for the night.

We noticed, last night, that the back of her tongue was discolored - looks bruised. I'm not sure if it was due to the same toy, but if it's still bruised after this weekend, we'll bring her to the vet.

I've been teasing Melvin ever since that night. If we ever have real kids, and there was a minor accident involving pain/blood - he'll be the first to faint.

I've also noticed that Genie is.. extremely.. intelligent. She somehow managed to figured out how to open the kitchen's sliding door >.> We'll normally close her in the kitchen when we want her to have more space to walk around, or when it's time for her to poo/pee. Her pee tray is near the rubbish chute in the kitchen for our convenience.

Last night we closed her in the kitchen when we went downstairs to get a quick dinner - when we came back, she greeted us at the front door. =.= I had initially thought Melvin didn't close the sliding door properly and left a gap for her to squeeze out.

Then early this morning (5am), she was scratching at the door of her lil crib to be let out. She normally needs to pee/poo first thing in the morning, so I carried her to the kitchen and closed the sliding door, reminding myself to close the door properly.

At sometime around 6am, the jingle of her bell woke me up. I thought to myself "Eh.. why is the bell so loud.. sounds so near.. but can't be.. she's in the kitchen.." I sat up after a few seconds of denial, and there she was - front paws on my bed, peeking at me.

Went to check the sliding door - true enough, she somehow managed to get the door opened just enough for her to squeeze out.

Fantastic. Maybe we should have named her Houdini instead.

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