Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy CNY All.

I'm finally home after a whole day at Grandma's. Boy am I tired.. my feet ache and my toes are individually taped with plaster. I don't understand how I can get blisters just by walking a few blocks (MRT Station to Gran's House = 2 bus stops! or 3) Damned new shoes on CNY.

The morning started out pretty alright at Grandma's. My uncles, aunts were there.. and so were my cousins. I still feel a lil stunned everytime I look at my cousins. Even the 12 year olds are taller than I am. And I don't mean 'a tad taller' or 'a few centimetres taller'. I mean by one whole head - on average. What have my relatives been feeding those buggers?

And it's really pathetic - I'm the eldest, but undeniably, and very obviously, the shortest. The eldest uncle (on the maternal side) said it's cos I have my mom's build. She's always been the smallest in the family. Petite. Supposedly. I beg to differ - I have her frame, but I sure am more meaty than her. My mom's frame + my aunts' weight. Great. All my aunts are.. taller. and.. rounder. and post birth, they ballooned like no one's business. My mom wasn't like that. Her waist was still a 27inch after giving birth to my brother and I. According to her, she had a nice 24 inch waist before she got pregnant. Hell I beat her 27inches even though I haven't got any kids >.>

Anyhow, I have my mom's base figure. Sure. I have her height, and her general shape. But I sure have my aunts'/grandma's weight issue. For example, one of my aunts weighed 50ish kg BC (Before children), she is now a hella 75kg.

=.= at this point, Genie puts two front paws on my chair and is enjoying herself licking my thigh. I think she is up to something - everytime I look at her, she blinks and gives me the innocent look. Like 'Who, me? I didn't do anything.. oh that chewed up sock on the floor? Umm It dangling off the bed and I thought it was for me!"

I brought Genie with me to last night's reunion dinner. The kids didnt play with her much. Surprisingly, it was my uncles >.> like little boys, those.. uncles.
And my grandma kept feeding Genie pieces of apples. I shouldn't have said "Oh Genie loves bananas, watermelon, apples and the like".

It was like the light lit up in the attic and my grandma kept feeding Genie piece after piece with joyful glee. So much so that when it was time to go, Genie was still sitting at grandma's feet.

"Genie! Lets go! Come!"

*ignores. continue staring at Grandma hopefully*

"GENIE! The door's open.. come come.."

*looks at me and yawns. Lean on Grandma*

I had to go carry her out the door >.> No dignity nor loyalty at all, that bitch.

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