Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I finally had a good break yesterday.

Jeremy, Melvin and I went to Parklane for a few solid hours of Left4Dead. It's not a bad game, though it got repetitive after the 4th map.
I normally don't like zombie-ish games, but L4D was actually kinda fun. And it was just as well that the 4th player is an NPC. The NPC saved our asses more than we saved each other..

There are 4 scary things in L4D.

The Witch - this frail little woman that sits on the floor. Once you 'disturb' her, she charges at you and according to Melvin 'slaps you around a few times and you die'. (Unfortunately, Melvin being the chiongster, is the one who disturbs the witch the most)

The Tank - it's... well, a tank. A huge thing that runs and slams you around and takes many bullets to kill

The Hunter - I hate this one. It pounces and starts stabbing it's victim. If you're the victim, you won't be able to do anything to fend yourself. The only way to save yourself is to yell for help and get your teammates to shoot the thing to death.

The Smoker(?) - Has a long tongue and grabs you with it to pull you towards it before it mauls you to death. Another thing it does is let you dangle and you strangle to death. Once again, you need your teammates to save you from this one

There was once I was sniping from the 2nd floor of a barn while the rest were on ground floor.. when the smoker grabbed me from behind. No one was around to see.. so I did what I had to do

"Dear!! *whack whack* save me! *whack whack and points to screen* save meeeee *whacks somemore*"

And even though Melvin isn't exactly an undead zombie, he got his fair share of bruises during the course of the game.

All in all, it was good fun.

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