Friday, January 30, 2009

I probably should be working on the proposal for a bi-annual marketing publication, but I just can't seem to get started on it. The damn files have been opened since morning and I'm doing everything BUT the proposal.

Valentine's Day is just round the corner and while I agree it's a highly commercialised, overhyped 'holiday', I can't help but take the opportunity to do something special. It's an excuse to head out, splurge and have fun.

I have 3 options, currently. Depending on my mood and how poor I feel next week, I may actually get something done on Vday. As usual, I'm the one planning. Other people have guys planning romantic dinners, presents, flowers and all, I get Melvin giving me a "Happy Vday, dear". Morning breath included.

To be fair to Melvin, I told him not to plan anything this year to save me the torture of nagging him to get something done.

In other words

I have given up.

Option 1: Overnight Spa Weekend Getaway at Batam. Includes candlelight dinner and bottle of wine. the 3 hour spa looks good (cost: $360 for 2)

Pros > Just the 2 of us away for the weekend
Cons > Budget! Budget!

Option 2: Dinner at Absolute Haven + whatever else. Maybe a movie. (cost: $150 for 2)

Pros > Night out. We can actually pretend we're on a date.
Cons > Join the Vday crowd :( and we hate crowds.

Option 3: Buy frozen Ikea Meatballs. Cook at home and do a DIY candlelight dinner. Rent a DVD to watch (cost: $50 for 2)

Pros > omg like cheap?
Cons > His parents in the house. Not Vday anymore, really. Romance! Where's the romance if you're eating with the parentals? And are there charges for calling the firetruck should I burn the kitchen down?



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